

HAPO: More actions are needed for Greek bass, bream industry to fight Turkish competition

A slimmer regulation in Greece, investments in productivity improvements and more promotional activities are needed to win against Turkish competition, industry body says

By Undercurrent News | Jan. 24, 2020 09:38 GMT
Credit: Tom Seaman/Undercurrent News
The merger of Greece's three largest seabass and seabream farmers, Nireus Aquaculture, Selonda Aquaculture and Andromeda Seafood was a big talking point at last year's Brussels show. Amid low prices for bass and bream, AMERRA Captial Management and Mubadala Investment Company are trying to sell 100,000 metric tons of farms to get approval from the European Commission for the merger. This is considered to be a tough sell, according to sources at the show. Credit: Tom Seaman/Undercurrent News

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